The main purpose of this blog is for Becca (heading to London) to study and myself (staying in New London, MN) to post a drawing a day. In addition, we will also be posting photos of paintings, travels, adventures, friends or other tidbits of info. Since we will be creating our art in two different 'Londons' an ocean away from each other, our blog is titled. . .

'A Drawing a Day, an Ocean Away'

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

West Hampstead

I will get pictures up as soon as possible.  My camera cord is at my Mom's.  I forgot it... The pictures that Mom saw were of my roommates.  They are on facebook.  I have been doing lots of tourist-y activities, but I started class and work today!  My internship is at a gallery space on the West End of London.  I will be helping with whatever they need for the next three months.  Also, coolest thing--there is a park in the area that has an outdoor gym!  That seems like the greatest invention EVER!  I will get some pictures up soon, but for now sketches will have to do.  Here is a quick sketch I made of the entrance to a church in that neighborhood while I was waiting for my interview.

I LOVE the peacocks!  I wish I could come to that show.

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